Sesampainya di Madison, kami segera memarkir kendaraan di depan history center dan bersiap memulai melihat-lihat
kota ini. Hari terasa makin panas dan kami pun berggas masuk ke dalam gedung biar nggak kepanasan hehehe ... Seorang petugas menyapa kami dan mengatakan kami bisa membeli tiket seharga 7 dolar untuk masuk ke history center ini dan juga ke museum kereta (gedung museum ada di sebelah history center). Kalo mau membeli tiket terpisah, masing-masing harganya 4 dolar. Kami memutuskan untuk membeli tiket gabungan dan papa membayar 21 dolar untuk ketiga tiket yang kami beli. Setelah tiket diperoleh, kami memulai melihat-lihat sejarah perjalanan kota Madison ini. Replika, foto, patung, benda peninggalan yang menjadi koleksi museum ingin memberikan gambaran secara detil dan mendekati realita. Kami, para pengunjung, diharapkan mendapatkan gambaran seperti apa kira-kira masa
demi masa yang dilalui kota ini. Musim yang berganti, bangunan yang menjadi ikon, tokoh yang mewarnai sejarah kota Madison, kekayaan alam kota ini, gambaran kegiatan dan aneka jenis informasi disajikan dengan cukup menarik di dalam museum ini. Meski tidak terlalu besar, lumayan banyak informasi yang bias kami dapatkan. Selain kami, ada beberapa pengunjung yang juga asyik melihat-lihat sejarah kota Madison ini. Kata Wikipedia: Madison is a city in and the county seat of Jefferson County, Indiana, United States, along the Ohio River.
Its estimated population was 12,247 as of 2016. Over 55,000 people live within 15 miles of downtown Madison. Madison is the largest city along the Ohio River between Louisville, Kentucky and Cincinnati, Ohio. Madison is one of the core cities of the Louisville-Elizabethtown-Madison metroplex. An area with a population of approximately 1.5 million. In 2006, the majority of Madison's downtown area was designated the largest contiguous National Historic Landmark in
the United States—133 blocks of the downtown area is known as the Madison Historic Landmark District. Lebih lanjut, Wikipedia mengatakan: Madison was laid out and platted in 1810, and the first lots were sold in 1811 by John Paul. It had busy early years due to heavy river traffic and its position as an entry point into the Indiana Territory along the historic Old Michigan Road.Indiana's first railroad, the Madison & Indianapolis Railroad, was built there from 1836 to 1847. Chartered in 1832 by the Indiana State Legi
slature as the Madison Indianapolis & Lafayette Railroad, and construction begun September 16, 1836, the railroad was transferred to private ownership on January 31, 1843, as the Madison & Indianapolis Railroad. Successful for more than a decade, the railroad went into decline and was sold at foreclosure in 1862, renamed the Indianapolis & Madison Railroad, and after a series of corporate transfers, became part of the massive Pennsylvania Railroad system in 1921. In March 1924, the Madison Area Chamber of Commerce was founded to aid area business growth and development. Madison's days as a leading Indiana city were numbered, however, when river traffic declined and new railroads built between Louisville, Indianapolis, and
Cincinnati tapped into Madison's trade network. As a result, Madison's growth did not continue at the same pace it had experienced before the Civil War. During the late nineteenth century, many new buildings were still being built, but, in many cases, older structures were modernized by adding cast iron store fronts and ornamental sheet metal cornices. Some earlier buildings survived without major alterations, and the Madison's National Landmark Historic District today contains examples of all the major architectural styles of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, from Federal to Art Moderne. Since 1970, the population of Madison has declined from 13,081 to 11,967
according to the 2010 US Census data. Gimana? Lumayan seru kan sejarah kota cantik ini? Hehehe ... Sesudah menyelesaikan acara melihat-lihat history center, kami keluar gedung dan mengambil gambar di sekitar gedung. Lokomotif tua berwarna merah juga kami sambangi dan kami jadikan latar belakang pengambilan gambar hari ini. Selain itu, taman di depan history center juga sayang untuk dilewatkan begitu saja hehehe ...
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