Hari ini Sabtu tanggal 13 Desember tahun 2014. Kalau dituliskan dengan menggunakan versi bahasa Inggris, yang tertulis adalah 12-13-14. Wow
... Cantik sekali kan angka yang terbaca? Ya ... Spesial di tanggal cantik ini, kami kemudian memulai hari dengan menikmati sarapan dengan menu pancake. Menurut wikipedia pancake memiliki maka sebagai berikut: A pancake is a flat cake, often thin, and round, prepared from a starch-based batter and cooked on a hot surface such as a griddle or frying pan. In Britain, pancakes are often unleavened, and resemble a crêpe. In North America, a raising agent is used (typically baking powder). The Nor
th American pancake is similar to a Scotch pancake or drop scone. They may be served at any time with a variety of toppings or fillings including jam, fruit, syrup, chocolate chips, or meat. In America, they are typically considered to be a breakfast food. In Britain and the Commonwealth, they are associated with Shrove Tuesday, commonly known as Pancake Day, when perishable ingredients had to be used up before the fasting period of Lentbegan. Archaeological evidence suggests that pancakes are probably
the earliest and most widespread cereal food eaten in prehistoric societies. The pancake's shape and structure varies worldwide. A crêpe is a thin Breton pancake cooked on one or both sides in a special pan or crepe maker to achieve a lacelike network of fine bubbles. A well-known variation originating in Southeast Europe is Palačinke, a thin moist pancake fried on both sides and filled with jam, cheese cream, chocolate, or ground walnuts, but many other fillings, both sweet or savory, can also be used. Na ... Mamaku s
ering menyebutnya sebagai apem (terbuat daru tepung beras) karena cara mengolahnya dan hasilnya mirip hehehe ... Kali ini papa menambahkan pisang dan coklat mint di dalam pancake kami. Hasilnya? Jelas yummy ... Kan aku tinggal menyantap saja hehehe ... Pagi mendung, sarapan pancake hangat plus apalagi ya? Komplit sudah rasanya ...
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