Saturday, June 18, 2016


Sesudah menyelesaikan melihat-lihat History Center, kami meneruskan acara masuk ruang hari ini di Railroad Station Museum). Dengan berbekal tiket yang kami beli di history center, kami mengikuti tur di dalam museum kereta. Tur sudah dimulai saat kami masuk ke dalam museum. Bapak pemandu tur adalah suami dari ibu yang bertugas di history center. Dari gambar ke gambar dan dari ruang ke ruang, kami mendengar sejarah perjalanan alat transportasi yang menggunakan mesin uap ini. Stasiun lama yang ada di gambar menjadi saksi perjalanan sejarah perkeretaapian di Madison Indiana. Bersama kami ada rombongan 2 keluarga yang juga mengikuti tur kali ini. Tur berlangsung selama kurang lebih 30 menitan. Penjelasan mengenai sejarah perkeretaapian disampaikan dengan detil dan jelas oleh tur guide kami hari ini. Pertanyaan yang diajukan peserta tur dijawabnya dengan antusias. Menurut situsnya
Constructed for the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Louis Railroad Company in 1894, the Madison Railroad Station is the third to serve the community. Unlike early railroad properties that valued functionality over style, the Madison station used an octagonal plan rarely employed for commercial and public buildings. It is the only example of this unusual building style in Madison. The two-story octagonal main section served as a passenger waiting room with the second story forming a cupola that reached above the wraparound porch’s roof. The small wing off the cupola’s west side housed the baggage area and ticket office. Passenger service ended in 1935, but the railroad retained ownership of the building until the 1960s when it was used by a storage company and later housed the Wilco Electric Company. In 1986, the Jefferson County Historical Society purchased the property and restored the station to its historic appearance. It is now home to the historical society’s Railroad Station Museum where the space is interpreted as an early 20th-century passenger station. The Madison Railroad Station contributes to the historic significance of the Madison Historic District, which is listed in the National Register of Historic Places and designated a National Historic Landmark. Na ... Jelas kan apa yang kami dengar saat kami mengikuti tur siang ini? Ya ... Selain menambah pengetahuan, pengalaman juga juga kami dapatkan hehehe ... Sesudah tur selesai, kami pun bersiap melanjutkan acara siang ini dengan melihat ikon kota Madison lainnya ...

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